I wanted only to stream to a chromecast with shuffle option and this gets the job done. allcast app didnt work. There was another free app that worked but had no shuffle. This app a little pricy but it works. The UI is so clean and smooth that it is simply rediculas. I am not sure but I think it also respects the sound settings I set for some songs that are way too loud or quiet, maybe it just up mixes or down mixes by it self, will need to inquire with the developer (my music through the Google music app always loud or quiet). There seem to be some odd bugs here and there some times. Also it tends to pause music if say some other app needs to play a sound (like maps, videos on safari, not text notification sounds) on the phone witch I think is the only major negative. And it does not stream to my Kody over the network, but that is no problem since I needed it only for chromecast audio. Would defenetly get more pupolarity if it could stream to other network devices like Kody.
I now use this mostly to play my music when at work or the google music app for radio sometimes.
I really hope the developer can:
-look into the strange bugs
-add repeat song or playlist option like the regular player has
-perhaps show album art in list
doc776 about Cinch for Chromecast, v1.5